Membership of the Association is open to any person with Organization Development qualification with good standing in practice.

Any individual with Organisation Development background or any professional who identifies with the vision of Africa OD Network can apply to become a member.

Institutions of Organisation Development and others that identify with the vision of Africa OD Network can also apply for corporate membership. 


Any such inducted member shall be entitled to use the title Africa OD Practitioner “AODP” (AOD Practitioner) after his/her name.



This membership is suitable for students in Colleges, Universities or Business Schools studying Organization Development and Change or any related discipline. Proof of registration should be submitted. This category is free.


Associate Membership is suitable for any individual or professional with interest in Organization Development and Change.


This is suitable for individuals who hold a qualification in OD & Change or have at least three (3) years’ experience in OD & Change consulting.


Fellow members have at least five (5) years OD & Change consulting experience with at least three (3) publications to support the growth of the field.


Corporate membership is open to any organisation that identifies with the mission of the Africa OD-Net.